Man Gives Up His First-Class Seat To 88-Year-Old Stranger, Bringing Her To Tears
Flying is one of the most stressful ways to travel. Sure, planes are statistically the safest way to get around, but that doesn’t make it easier when turbulence hits and you’re high up in the sky.
This might be why airlines keep trying to offer more comfy options like first class, business class, or even luxury seating. But these perks come with a hefty price tag; some tickets can cost over 2,000–3,000 dollars!
But for one passenger on a flight to Washington D.C., money and comfort were not an issue.
Laura Failner is a flight attendant who has seen many ups and downs of flying. She witnessed a touching moment that she later shared on Facebook.
Here’s what went down.

She wrote:
“I love looking for the good in this world!
Today as I flew up to Washington I saw this sweet little lady who was about94 years old get on my plane. She looked frail and had trouble getting back to her seat. There was some confusion about where she should sit. In first-class this kind Gentleman noticed her struggle and called me over. He said “can you please take her and put her in my seat? I will take hers.” He walked back with me so we could help her into first-class. She was so moved by his kindness! The woman hugged him tightly saying “Never in my94 years has someone done that for me! Thank you young man.” Tears filled her eyes from gratitude.
This thoughtful act changed how everyone felt on the flight! May we all look for small things we can do to help others around us & show acts of kindness like Christ would do. In this wild world let’s try our best to Be the Good.”