Tallulah Willis, the youngest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, recently disclosed her own significant diagnosis, drawing inspiration from her father’s brave battle with frontotemporal dementia. In a heartfelt moment that struck a chord with her audience, the 30-year-old actress and artist shared her autism diagnosis while reminiscing about a treasured experience with her father.
On March 15, Tallulah shared a nostalgic video on Instagram with her 408,000 followers. The footage showcased a tender childhood memory, featuring her on a red carpet, playfully interacting with her father’s shaved head as he embraced her. The video was accompanied by a thoughtful caption.
The post quickly sparked discussions surrounding autism, as followers expressed admiration for the loving relationship between father and daughter. Many viewers observed Tallulah’s repetitive movements, referred to as “stimming,” which are commonly exhibited by individuals on the autism spectrum.